Taiyo Yuden BLE Kit - Review


Recently, I got an opportunity to #RoadTest Taiyo Yuden Bluetooth® Low Energy KIT from #Element14.

Here is the full RoadTest blog having insights on Getting started, Hardware/Software tools, Testing, Review, Opinions and building Projects with this BLE module.
Overall, Taiyo Yuden BLE module is an excellent device based on #nRF52811 SoC and having good integration with #nRF52_SDK. Would highly recommend this for new designs and development.

>> Main RaodTest Blog

>> First and basic test by running a blinky application.

Taiyo Yuden BLE EVK : Toggling GPIOs

>> Gearing up by implementing a simple GPIO toggling application.

Taiyo Yuden BLE EVK : Wireless LED Control

>> Implemented custom sequence for controlling multiple GPIOs with UART interface.

Taiyo Yuden BLE EVK : Miniature BLE Automation

Thanks to TAIYO YUDEN and element14 Electronics for this opportunity to RoadTest one of these Kits.

Let me know if you have any suggestions/interesting development ideas.
#BLE #embeddedsystems #electronics #element14 #roadtest #blogging #automations #review #ideas #hobby #ideasworthsharing


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